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O-1 Approvals in April 2019

This report includes one (1) O-1 I-129 case filed by LPY Law Group and approved by the USCIS in April 2019. We list the basic credentials of each case and hope our readers find the information helpful. For confidentiality purposes, a number is assigned to replace the petitioner/beneficiary's name in each case. It is our firm’s policy to hold the client’s information strictly confidential.


Compiled and briefed by Monica Castellanos, Senior Legal Assistant at LPY Law Group.


Case #1

Case Type: O-1 I-129
Field of Research: Electronic Engineering
Current Position: Research Engineer at a semiconductor company
Major Credentials: Ph.D. from a foreign university
Published 10 journal and conference papers
Cited approximately 190+ times by other researchers
Supporting Letters: 6 including 5 independent experts
Filing Date: April 3, 2019
Approval Date: April 9, 2019


For more approved cases, please see http://www.niwus.com/Approvals.html.

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