5718 Westheimer Road
Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77057

Tel: 800.878.1807 (U.S. Toll Free)
Fax: 866.608.2766
Email: contact@niwus.com 

PERM Labor Certification Evaluation Questionnaire

I. Information about Employer

Company's Full Legal Name: ___________________________________________

County & State of the Place of Employment: _____________________

Number of Employees in the United States: _______________________

II. Information about Job Offered

1. Job Title: ____________________________________

2. Basic Annual Salary: ____________________  

3. Number of Employees in the Same Position: _______________________________

4. Number of Employees Alien will Supervise: _______________________________

5. Will travel to multiple worksites be required?  If yes, please provide county and state of worksites (provide additional attachments if needed): ______________________________________________________________________________________

6. Description of job duties in detail (Please break down general descriptions into specific job
functions and list specific skills or knowledge required to perform these functions):


7. Employer's minimum requirements for the position (Employer must not have hired workers with less education, training, or experience for comparable positions.  Please provide copies of previous job postings for same or similar position, if available.)

Degree level (Bachelor’s, Master’s, Doctoral): __________________

Field(s) of Study: ________________

Experience:_________________________ (year(s)/month(s))

Please e-mail the completed Evaluation Questionnaire and your resume to zliu@niwus.com for a
free evaluation.  As an alternative, you may download and complete the Questionnaire, and fax
it to (713) 974-3463.

Request A Free Evaluation